Thursday, March 26, 2009

Internet Safety and Your Kids

Even though I generally use this blog for personal stuff, I figured that maybe some of my readers may have children and reading this list of things to do with Internet Safety and your Kids might be advantageous. Happy Reading!

Internet Safety Tips

While Internet filters are part of the solution, Internet safety policies and guidelines can help make the inthe Internet a safer experience for your family.

Here are some general guidelines:

Place your computer in an open room with the monitor facing out. This allows you to see and control what is occurring on the Internet. Educate your children about the Internet, both the positives and the potential dangers. Explore the web with your children and talk with them about their online activities. Type in child-friendly web site addresses for younger children.

Bookmark child-friendly web sites. This allows your children to easily get to safe sites that they have used before. Teach your children that Internet safety means never giving out personal information over the Internet. Share your Internet child safety experiences, both good and bad, with others.

Teach your children to refrain from chat rooms. Don’t install Peer-to-peer (P2P) applications. A high percentage of what occurs with children and peer-topeer applications is related to either illegal or immoral activities.

Teach children to crash and tell. If they encounter a bad experience, they should feel comfortable in immediately turning off the computer and talking with a parent about the experience. Never allow your children to meet with someone from an online session unless the parent approves. Know the parents of your children’s friends and keep a list of your childs approved cyber pals.

Teach children to never open e-mail from someone they don’t know. Never respond to an “unsubscribe” option on a pornographic email. If you or your child receives a message that is harassing, of a sexual nature, or threatening, forward a copy of the message to your ISP, and ask for assistance.

Internet child safety is crucial in creating a fun and safe family Internet experience.

Credit to Jerry Ropelato from Family Safe Media

Monday, March 16, 2009

Regions Albany Bike Race 2009

Same as with the snickers marathon. i will work on a report over the next couple days but I wanted to post pix. Especially this one....

You can see my public photos on Picasso

And Wooly has his public photos on Flikr

Don Adams has posted photos of the Time Trial and Criterium Races and they are available for free download. The digital images are suitable for printing and can be viewed on his photo site. Don is very generous to offer these photos and I encourage you to consider Southern Light Images when you need a photographer.

Snickers Marathon 2009

Hey everyone! I just wanted to go ahead and get the link to the photos up here so that folks can see. I will work on a report over the next couple days.

Please see my photos on Picasso of the Snickers Marathon 2009